Level Up Your Finances and Gain Financial Freedom...Get the Step by Step Guide for Easy Online Trading and Investing in Nigerian Stock Market Training Today.

Ambrose Here Again,

Robert Kiyosaki has always said, “The key to building wealth is financial literacy and financial education”.

Knowing how to make money in every kind of market is key if you want to grow your assets and achieve financial independence.

Everyone should have access to this kind of guidance. Unfortunately, very few have such access because they sacrifice and they keep sacrificing in investing in their financial education.

That aside, When boils down to investing and wealth building, Who wins the race?

Is it the fastest Investor who runs with the right information to take action?


An investor who wants the condition to be perfect before taking action.

Irrespective of the Category

Whatever category you belong to, swift action and timing are very important here... Even when you have been given all the signal to take action, if you don't take it and position yourself immediately, you are no different from the person who has no knowledge.

Sometimes the cause of delay in taking action may be circumstances beyond your control... It may be that you couldn't reach your broker or you sent an email but no action was taken.

In the Palm of your hands

In addition, the information you need to decide is incomplete or you don't know how to go about it.

And as you know, time is a key factor here...

That is why, I came up with this training to help you take a position immediately and put your Financial Success into your hands.

... Not in any third-party hands. So that you get started immediately and build your portfolio.

This is called...

A Step by Step Guide for Easy Online Trading and Investing in Nigerian Stock Market.

It contains 10 comprehesive Videos which include:

Video 1.Introduction
Video 2.How to buy and sell stocks in Nigeria-NGX
Video 3.Know what you are buying and Benefits
Video 4.Know the risks associated with buying stocks or shares
Video 5.How much is needed to buy and sell stocks on NGX
Video 6.Plan your trading and Investing before executing them
Video 7.How to buy from the primary and secondary market
Video 8.How to review your trading plan and portfolio
Video 9.Practical Buying and Selling on a Trading Platform-Terminal
Video 10.Conclusion

Want to get started immediately and get the best out of the market?

Please Pay

N11,250, if you are a subscriber of the premium buy and Sell Signal (25% off)

N15000 if you are an ordinary member

into InvestData Consulting Limited Zenith Bank 1013815737. After Payment Send the details of your payment including name, email address and phone number to 08028164085 before the launch price closes 21st August, 2023