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Ambrose Here Again,

If you have ever wanted to protect your funds and profit from the market despite the current status of the economy, then this is absolutely another chance for you to get started immediately and get the best out of Q4, 2022.

It is quite obvious that the economy is in a state of stagflation and it is only those investors who understands what they are you doing, will always get the best out of the market. There are rules, methods that govern things in life generally likewise, there are indubitable methods and systems that govern the way stock trading works  and it is only those who have what it takes to master it when it is bullish or bearish and make choice that will profit from the market.

Identifying Opportunities in a Crisis

In Kufa, a small city ninety miles south of the capital of Iraq, there is always riots and protesting close to the US Embassy. In the quest to end the riot without resulting into violence, an army major had to analyze videotapes of recent riots and had identified a pattern: Violence was usually preceded by a crowd of Iraqis gathering in a plaza or other open space and, over the course of several hours, growing in size.

Food vendors would show up, as well as spectators. Then, someone would throw a rock or a bottle and all hell would break loose.

When the major met with Kufa’s mayor, he made an odd request: Could they keep food vendors out of the plazas? Sure, the mayor said.

A few weeks later, a small crowd gathered near the Masjid al-Kufa, or Great Mosque of Kufa. Throughout the afternoon, it grew in size. Some people started chanting angry slogans. Iraqi police, sensing trouble, radioed the base and asked U.S. troops to stand by.

At dusk, the crowd started getting restless and hungry. People looked for the kebab sellers normally filling the plaza, but there were none to be found. The spectators left. The chanters became dispirited. By 8pm everyone was gone.

Bullish or Bearish are different sides of the same coin

From the above, despite the fact that it was an unfavorable circumstance, some smart persons will still profit out of it. It is just a natural law.

Similarly in the stock market, despite the current status of the market, despite the unfavorable policies and raising of interest rates, hyperinflatory economy and stagflation, like the food sellers at the plaza who profit more whenever there is violence, you must position yourself and profit more from the market.

That is why it is commonly said that for every adversity lies an equal opportunity; also in the book of proverb; It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.

Simply put, it is your job to look for the opportunity inherent in any given situation of the market.

Now that we are in Q4,  you must start planning on how to profit from it because it is just the only way to stay on top of the game. If you decide to sit on the fence, it will still affect you because your funds will lose value due to the daily increasing inflation.

Nature gives you 2 envelopes, One is favourable and the second contains the serious consequences for not taking actions. It is your Choice

As you know, different result comes in from several companies, economic data is there too, political policies too plus sudden change in policies; this is as direct response to daily activities in the economy.

If you don't plan, how can you maneuver and be flexible if things don't go as strategize? how will you know which

1. Stock to choose..
2. What percentage will be your target.
3. If it does not go as planned then what is the alternative.
4. Which stock is dividend playing stock and earnings playing stock.
5. In your portfolio, which stocks carry the most percentage for investing.
6. Which stock will beat inflation.
7. If your stock target did not go as anticipated, when should you exist.
8. Defensive stocks that can withstand the volatility of the market

That is is why it commonly said that it is either you plan to succeed or you just fold your hands and automatically allow the stagflation economy to eat up your hard earned money.

However, planning can never be done alone or in isolation just like John Donne said that "no man is an island on its own". Hence, you must join those who have understands how thing operate using

  1. Technical analysis,
  2. Fundamental analysis and
  3. Beyond TA and FA.
  4. Historical and Trend Analysis

A Simple Strategy commonly used by smart Investors

However, I know that you want your portfolio to be growing everyday, I know that you want your funds to be protected and should be able to hedge against inflation. Finally, I know that you want to profit and cash out like the top investors does.

I know that you have already realized that whenever the market is in a downturn, it will ultimately present an opportunity for smart investors to readjust their portfolio then position themselves and wait patiently for the inevitable bull run.

And when the bull run starts, those who don't how it works, will be consumed because by the time they are getting in, smart investors are already pulling out their funds.

Hence, where do you want to be? Smart investors who are always Victors or other investors who will always be vanquished. Life is about the survival of the fittest whether in the jungle or modern society.

Action Time

Now the question is how do you position and benefit from the opportunity in Q4? That is exactly the reason why I took my time to organize MasterClass every quarter so that you can prepare and make the right decisions for yourself.

Hence, I hereby announce INVESTDATA Q4 MASTER CLASS

Theme:   New Actionable & Technical Strategies For Profitable Trades In Changing Market Environment.


  1. Equity Investing in changing volatile Market: Two Sides Of The Coin, Mr Rotimi Olubi. MD ARM Securities Ltd
  2. Arbitrage Trading & Other New Strategies To Hedge Against Stagflation, Mr Abiola Rasaq , CSCS
  3. Mastering Contemporary Technical Tools For Wealth Building In Uncertain Environment, Mr Abdul-Rasheed Momoh, Head Capital Market, Trw Stockbrokers Ltd
  4. Time & Price Analysis For Money Making In Uncertain Market, Mr Ambrose Omordion, CRO. Investdata Consulting Ltd.

Date: Saturday, 1st October, 2022

Venue: Zoom

Time: 9:00am to 4:00pm

Wondering??? Why you must take action or what you will get?

2022 Q4 Masterclass: New Actionable & Technical Strategies For Profitable Trades In Changing Market Environment.

Smart domestic investors understand the power of money flow and timing in wealth creation through stock trading and investing.

This Q4 masterclass is for you, because it will help you follow exact steps in real time, using the new strategies by following the current volatility and happenings in the market.

Nigeria has entered one of the greatest inflationary periods in the last six months, which is threatening investment and economic activities. And government policies through their economic managers had pushed millions of Nigerians down …. Out of the middle class…out of private retirement, healthcare and decent lives, based on independence and privacy… into a collective nightmare we call financial lockdown.

This is what happens when people are trapped by their own collapsing currency, such that they become deeply indebted. Inflation causes huge distortions in the economy and in the markets, so its critical that you take the necessary steps to ensure you are not left behind.

The Choice is your to Decide if you are in or out...

What are the benefits you will get by enrolling for the Q4 MasterClass?

We have put together this Q4 masterclass to help market players avoid those needless losses and build a profitable portfolio that has high ROI…... Especially in a volatile market, when you don’t know which way up….

Participants will learn the following

  • How all fixed income market instruments had failed investors in stagflation environment
  • How arbitrage trading is creating income for discerning market players
  • How to hedge against inflation and preserve capital in sectors and industry that have the potential to drive profit that will support equity prices
  • How classical technical analysis had fail many traders in this high volatile market
  • How to filter market noise and identify the most opportune time to join any trade
  • Tradeable chart patterns and candlestick formations that signal real money-making opportunities
  • 5 hot stocks that beat inflation and deliver over 30% in a short period of time.
  • How to buy right on the two sides of equity investing, fundamental vs technical, risk vs profit, buy vs sell and bears vs bulls

If I do things on my own, what will happen...

Frankly, nothing will happen except the consequences of your choice. In clear terms, gambling with your hard earned cash. Don't say that I did not warn you.

I still attend seminars and training online. I still pay more monthly and annual subscription fees in both local and foreign currency for different Master Classes so that I can be up to date because the market is always changing and what you know yesterday can be irrelevant today.

With the power of your choice, The Decision Power is with you to either improve your portfolio like the smart Investors or complain about the market... Hence, make the wise choice now

Now, here is the decision time, in other to finalize your spot for the 2022 Q4 Masterclass: New Actionable & Technical Strategies For Profitable Trades In Changing Market Environment,  you need to follow the below STEP NOW

Please Pay N50000 into InvestData Consulting Limited.  Zenith Bank 1013033032. After Payment Send the details of your payment including name, email address and phone number to 08028164085 to complete your reservation before it closes on the 30th September, 2022.

Early Bird Discount have Expired

Here are our Team of Experts that will be presenting in this Q4. Don't Miss out!!!

Mr Rotimi Olubi. Mr Rotimi Olubi. , MD ARM Securities Ltd

Topic: Equity Investing in changing volatile Market: Two Sides Of The Coin

Mr Abiola Rasaq Mr Abiola Rasaq , CSCS

Topic: Arbitrage Trading & Other New Strategies To Hedge Against Stagflation

Mr Abdul-Rasheed Momoh Mr Abdul-Rasheed Momoh, Head Capital Market, TRW Stockbroking Limited

Topic: Mastering Contemporary Technical Tools For Wealth Building In Uncertain Environment

Mr. Ambrose Omordion Mr. Ambrose Omordion, CRO Investdata Consulting Ltd

Topic: Time & Price Analysis For Money Making In Uncertain Market

Early Bird Discount have Expired

Best Regards

Ambrose Omordion

P.S. Please kindly note that the early birth discount is for the first 30 Smart Investors. Once we reach that number, the date will no longer count, you will have to pay the full amount of N50,000.00. Hence, complete your registration NOW...

Please Pay N50000 into InvestData Consulting Limited.  Zenith Bank 1013033032. After Payment Send the details of your payment including name, email address and phone number to 08028164085 to complete your reservation before it closes on the 30th September, 2022.